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February 21, 2018 2 min read

Alejandra Barreto Cortés | Colombia |  25 years |  Instagram: la.nomada
Artist Portrait by Jelle De Groot 

Most of our vintage t-shirt graphics are over 40 years old and are still relevant today. Why have these logos stood the test of time? To find out we invited the next generation of art students to choose a Worn Free t-shirt and share their connection to the design and artist that once wore it.

Every Wednesday a new artist will be featured on our blog and social media in their Worn Free Tee, sharing short personal stories and new artwork they have created. Second student up: Alejandra, who is also our guest blogger for this series.

Alejandra's story

I’ve always cared about the environment and tried to do helpful things, like saving water, turning off the lights when nobody was using them and so on. I wrongly thought that what I could do was limited. That the changes had to be done by politicians, enterprises, and celebrities with a strong voice that people would hear.

I deeply admired Yoko Ono and her environmental activism. The Artists Against Frackingand Meat-free Mondays are initiatives that have a big positive impact and reach millions of people.

Zero Waste Movement

I always wanted to do more, but I didn’t know how. Until I discovered the Zero Waste Movement.It’s a lifestyle that aims to reduce waste as much as possible. One of the problems with the trash we generate on a daily basis is that it ends up in landfills -or into water bodies- and this plays a big role in the production of methane gases, they absorb the sun’s heat warming the atmosphere.

My Zero Waste journey started almost one year ago. I’ve reduced the trash I generate in approximately 60-70%. Some of the changes I’ve made are buying my food package-free in the farmer’s market and the bulk store in my own cloth bags and reusable containers, making my own toothpaste, using a bamboo toothbrush, showering with bar soap and bar shampoo made of natural ingredients, carrying a reusable bottle with tap water, avoiding plastics as much as possible -very important- and more.

Drop in the ocean

I’ve come to the realization that we, as individuals, can do much more for our planet than we think. We just need to do some adjustments in our lifestyle that fit our budget and the options available in the place we live.

Some people have told me that I am just one person and that I cannot help the planet on my own but, with my way of living, I’ve made some people curious and I’ve been beyond happy when friends or family have told me about changes they’ve done because I’ve inspired them to do so. It’s a very gratifying feeling. And as Yoko once said: “A drop in the ocean becomes a tsunami when there's enough. I am a drop in an ocean and very glad that I am.

Shop Yono Ono T-shirt, worn by John Lennon and Alejandra

Yoko Ono T-shirt, John Lennon tee

Artwork by Alejandra